Please copy and paste the following html somewhere on your site. You cannot be linked to the webring until this has been done. To copy the graphic, right-click your mouse button and save it to your computer. This will then have to be uploaded to your server. The HTML code can be copied and pasted directly. Please make sure you fill in your ring id number, email address, and anything else where a _____ is shown.
copy this:
<!--SHPN Webring Fragment-->
<font size=2 face=arial>
<img src="shpn1.gif" align=left><img src="shpn2.gif" align=right><br><br>
This <a href="">Southern Hemisphere Pagan Network</a> site is owned by
<a href="mailto:______">_____</a>.
<a href=";id=_____;next">Next</a>
<a href=";id=_____;prev">Previous</a>
<a href=";id=_____;next5">Next 5</a>
<a href=";id=_____;prev5">Previous 5</a>
<a href=";random">Random</a>
<a href=";list">List Sites</a>
<br> Click <a href="">here</a> for information on joining the ring.
<!--end shpn webring fragment-->
If all goes well, it should look like this: (please copy the graphics from here!)