I am an Australian Witch, following a what is basically a Celtic path. Although my path is based on the old traditions, certain modifications have to be made to take local conditions into account.
I first became interested in Witchcraft, as a solitary practitioner, about 7 years ago, but found it difficult to find information specific to the southern hemisphere. Therefore I hope this page will be of assistance to other interested southerners.
Imbolg/Oimelc/Candlemas/Brigid- 2 August Vernal (Spring) Equinox/Ostara/Eostar - 21 September Bealtaine - 31 October Midsummer/Summer Solstice/Litha - 22 December Lughnasadh/Lammas - 31 January Autumnal Equinox/Mabon - 21 March Samhain/Hallowe'en - 30 April Yule/Winter Solstice - 22 June At the moment I am presuming you already know the meanings of the sabbats, however, soon I will be giving more details.... *fingers crossed*
The circle is conducted Deosil, however, Deosil (meaning the direction of the sun) in the Southern Hemisphere is anti-clockwise. Just as the water goes down the drain the opposite way, the circle is conducted in the opposite direction. Some find this difficult when all the rites and rituals handed down are conducted clockwise, so again, find out what works best for you. You may have to experiment a little to find the most effective way for you to practise ritual magick in order to gain the desired results.
Aside from those quite obvious differences, ritual magick is conducted in the same way as it is in the Northlands. Of course, Australia has it's own herbs etc; I've just made a new page extolling the virtues of Eucalypus & Tea Tree Oil here.
Above all magick is in everything, and everyone. We are all a part of this remarkable planet and should treat eachother and the earth with the appropriate respect.
If you have any comments, questions, or criticisms, please feel free to email me.
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